Everything about
Pit Bull Mating
Pit bulls are one of the great breeds of dogs, but some people consider them aggressive due to their bad reputation. So when you ask someone about Pit bull breeding, you will get different and harsh opinions because it is a touchy subject. In fact, in most states, pit bulls are prohibited, so when looking for a Pit bull, always get it from a reputable breeder.
However, this breed is truly blessed with diversity as it has so much variety that it plays an important role in the long-term good health of Pit bulls.
Here in this article, we will talk about Pit Bull breeding, their strain, and the health issues associated with their breeding.

Background of
Pit Bull breeding
Pit Bull’s history dates back to 1800 when the British Isles breeder bred Old English Terrier and Old English Bulldogs. The breed that arises as a result of their breeding is the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT).
This breed was later brought to the United States by immigrants as part of their families. Although the main purpose of breeding this dog is for fighting sports, this breed of dog was noted to be very friendly and intelligent. They were also used to protect agricultural and private properties.
Strains and bloodlines
Pit Bulls have a very diverse and popular bloodline, and each bloodline has a different structure, characteristics, strong temperament, weakness, strength, and history. Generally, all of these bloodlines are very playful, loyal, and strong. After breeding Pit Bull terriers, the two main strains that stand out are
- A non-show strain also known as the American Pit Bull Terrier
- A show strain is known as American Staffordshire
Both strains are recognized as separate breeds, but they are similar, just like the two sides of a coin. Today there is a lot of bloodlines present under the American Pit Bull Terrier umbrella. The different variations of Pit Bulls found under these strains are:
- Colby Pit Bulls
- Jeep Bloodline
- Old Family Red Nose
- Gottiline
- Monster G
- Razor’s Edge
- Ruffian
- X-Pert
- Carver Bloodline
- Gator Pit Bull Bloodline
Breed-specific legislation
Pit Bull owners are also responsible for additional liability. If your dog bites and injures any other person or animal, the owners are responsible for this action.
These blood sports were banned in the UK in 1835. So people start organizing dog fights and rat baits with pit bulls because these sports are easier to hide from the police. The dogs are released into a “pit,” and they will chase rats or fight another Pit Bull.
Even these sports were banned, and after that, Pit Bulls became famous family dogs and farm dogs. This is due to their strength and loyalty to their owner. They were also popular during WWI and WWII and were regarded as a symbol of bravery and loyalty.

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Health concerns
when breeding Pit Bulls
Pit bulls have diversity in their genes, so they suffer fewer health problems, but there are still some health conditions that breeders should be aware of.
Hip dysplasia
Hip dysplasia is very common in Pit Bulls, and this condition can cause lameness and slow them down in their daily activities. Hip dysplasia is an inherited condition and can be a source of ongoing pain in Pit Bulls.
Thyroid disease
Another congenital problem in Pit Bulls is thyroid dysfunction. Pit bulls can suffer from different skin problems, gaining excess weight; these conditions appear when the thyroid does not work properly. Additionally, your puppy will also show behavioral changes and aggression.
Heart Disease
Heart conditions are the most common ones among the inherited diseases. One of the common problems affecting Pit Bull is aortic stenosis. There are particularly no signs of this disease to take your dog to the vet on a regular basis.
How to breed Pit Bulls
and Pit Bull Mating?
Pit Bull dog breeding is not simple; it is a great responsibility. If you want to have healthy Pit Bull puppies, you need to plan the entire breeding process carefully. Taking the wrong step means it will cost you a lot of money and there will be many health problems.
Key things to consider before starting
The good breeding means that the litter must be the improvement of its parents. So before selecting the male and female for breeding, check for issues like disease, temperament, and robustness. It would help if you planned before mating to avoid these litter problems.
Perform Pre-Breeding Health Checks
- There are few pre-breeding health checks that must be performed before pit bull mating.
- Perform a full-body physical exam
- Check their body condition score
- Perform blood tests for a health check.
- Perform a fecal exam for intestinal worms.
- Check the vaccination status of men and women
- Consult your vet about genetic testing.
- Check the age of your dogs
Pit Bull Mating Best Practices
If you are confident that the male and female Pit Bull you have chosen for breeding is suitable, it is time to start the mating process. The best mating age for female Pit Bulls is after their first heat and is around 12-15 months. The best period to mate your female pit bull is 11-15 after the first day of bleeding.
Sometimes females accept dogs earlier; however, in most cases, females do not accept dogs until day 11. A hormone test can help you find the right day for mating. On the right day, take your dogs to the same space and let them mate.
Pit Bull breeding is not as difficult as it sounds. You just have to choose the right dogs free from disease and health conditions and provide them with the right environment. There is a lot of negativity about the behavior and aggression of Pit Bulls, but it is not due to their temperament but to the poor handling of the handlers.